The other day I was in a store and talking with a woman. Somehow we got on the topic of magazines. We were talking about how much we loved to read magazines years ago. It was so relaxing to me to sit and thumb through the pages. It could be “House and Garden”, looking at beautiful backyards, or “Good Housekeeping”, reading a good article about someone’s life and career. Or a fashion magazine looking at all the styles that were current and all the new trends for the coming season.
We just don’t do that anymore. All of our information is on the internet. We don’t have the pleasure of turning the pages. I remember when I was a teenager how I couldn’t wait for the September edition of “Seventeen” magazine! It was so thick! It was a fashion and beauty products bible for the coming school season. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on that juicy magazine and turn those pages to see all the new fall trends.
So back to the woman in the store. The both of us said that we hadn’t bought a magazine for a long time. Both of us agreed that we were going to the grocery store in the next day or two and we were both going to purchase “Good Housekeeping” magazine.
I went grocery shopping to Stop and Shop the next day. Before I shopped for any groceries I went to the magazine stands by every check out counter. There was not a “Good Housekeeping” magazine to be found. No “Oprah” magazine. No “House Beautiful.” There was a “Taylor Swift” magazine, a “Drew Barrymore” magazine. I did find a “Life” magazine for Fifteen dollars! What? Fifteen dollars for a magazine. Are they crazy? There were magazines for ten dollars, twelve dollars,etc. I found one magazine that was under five dollars. “Women’s World” for $3.49. A bargain! I bought it because I really wanted to buy a magazine and it was slim pickings so this was the one.”

This is the magazine that I found for the bargain price of $3.49!
When I was in High School I saved so many of my magazines. Through the years I misplaced many of them but managed to save a few. I am posting them so you can see the prices of these magazines. I realize that these are from fifty something years ago, but really $15 for a magazine today? Ridiculous!

Can you see the prices on the magazines from my high school days? Look at the “Life” magazine from 1937, 10 cents and it was such a big magazine!
I’m going to go to Barnes and Noble. They sell a lot of magazines. I hope to find “Good Housekeeping” or “Cosmo!”
Update: I just found “Good Housekeeping” online and a yearly subscription is now $12! Now that’s a bargain! I might sign up! Here is the link.
Do you think that magazines are a thing of the past?
Do you remember the paper dolls in the “McCalls” magazine? I couldn’t wait until my Mom bought that magazine so I could cut out the dolls and dress them!
Top photo via Pixabay
2 thoughts on “Magazines”
I LOVED Mad Magazine and Teen Magazine. My parents subscribed to Life and Reader’s Digest so we always had magazines in our house. I saved some old Life Magazine and to this day, I faithfully read PEOPLE magazine every week just to keep up with popular culture.
I forgot about Reader’s Digest. I loved that. And I also forgot about Redbook. Barbara remember how big Life magazines were. They used a lot of paper! I think I’m going to subscribe to Good Housekeeping. The cost is good. Unless you have another recommendation! xoxo